
Student Name: Tanaya Watane

Annual Fees: Rs.25120/-


She is 13 years old studying in 7th Std and wants to be a teacher. We hope she follows her interest in this field and makes a successful career.
Her mother and father died of the COVID-19 pandemic. after that, she stayed in her Uncle's house.
I am selling vadapav in the nearby area, but unfortunately, my earnings are not enough and I am really struggling to fulfill my basic family responsibilities.
I am struggling to bear the education cost for our niece, we appeal to you all please come forward support our only child’s education and help in securing her future.

- Chetan Sarse(Uncle)

The Baby Care Foundation has identified Tanya studying in 7th Std, as a very bright child and assessed the need of the hour. This NGO appeals to all donors, please support the education of this Child.

School Name: - Little Flower High School
Place: - Pokharan Road- Thane West.

Supporting Documents

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